Friday, March 18, 2011

week 8: lighting and color

This is my original copy. I took this picture on my wedding day of the lake from where we got married.
This is my edited copy. I increased the blue and then lightened it to take away the storm cloud, dreary feel. Then I adjusted the color curves by going up in hightness, brightness, down in midtone contrase and down in shadows. I also increased the hue and saturations.

This is my original copy.
This is my edited copy. I removed the color making it black and white. I brightened the photo a little bit. Increased the shadows a tad, decreased the midtone contrast and increased the highlights. Then I adjusted the hue to 25%. Increased the saturation and brightness. I think That her eyes really stand out now and her features are more clear due to dark outlines.


  1. Amanda, great job with your photos. Your first edited version really gives a calming effect to it. I also really love your black and white version! Black and white seems so classy!

  2. Nice work Amanda. I like how you make a dark sky blue! Grey skies are too dreary. The second photo is very neat. I wonder if you could manipulate the photo so that her blue eyes were the only color in the they would pop out more then...she is a beautiful little girl. Looks like you are getting to know PS more is fun. Nicely done....!!
