This is my original photo of two of my friends.
This is my "dodge and burn" photo.
What I did was upped the size from 16.7% to 25%. I created a new layer (titled it dodge and burn), selected the overlay option and checked the fill with overlay neutral color (50% gray) box. After that was all done I selected the brush tool and changed my foreground color to white with a opacity of 10% and a brush size of 693px. I then used the brush to lighten the faces and their teeth. I then changed the foreground color to black with a brush size of 500px to darken the background, their clothes and their blankets. I think this picture stands out now because their faces are glowing!
A tip with using tools like dodge and burn is to work really big, meaning use the control and plus sign key together to toggle the image bigger and then work more closely with your brush, this will allow you to get more subtle results and no have the halo effect that you ended up with. Also careful not to overdue the dodging as the gal in the foreground got a little too lightened in relation to the gal in the back.