Sunday, April 24, 2011


So, I took a couple really good portrait shots of myself and than put my memory card into the wrong slot and can't get it out... Therefore, I am stuck using some of my old photo's for this assignment. I found three different photo's that I really like because they all use different forms of a portrait shot and I see multiple tips used throughout all three of them as well.
This photo is using the rule of thirds. I also like how she is not looking at the camera lens directly kind of gets you wondering what it is her little eyes were caught up on. Her hands are also not clenched and positioned in a way that adds more of a story line to the photograph. Lastly, because I am just a little bit taller than my 22 month old daughter the photo was taken from more of an above angle rather than straight on.
This photo is yet again of my beautiful daughter. I really like how the background is so dark because it brings more focus to her face. She is looking straight into the lens which draws the viewer to her as well. She is not smiling which means her face brings a different emotion to the picture; therefore, her face also brings a different story line. I also think this image captures "catchlights". Her eyes in the photo definitely tell a story all in there own from the flash reflecting off them.
This photo is simple. My subject in this photo was not expecting me to take her picture at that very moment so she was relaxed and the photo is natural. I turned my camera so the picture was rotated and off center. One of her hands is holding a "prop" and she is focused on the prop which gave the viewers a story line. Her other hand is relaxed allowing her fingers to be natural looking and spaced apart. Once again I apologize for the "old" photo's; however, I think the photo's I chose work for this assignment anyways. I am going to attempt to take my tower apart to get my memory card back though...

Saturday, April 2, 2011

Clone, Painted and Text Pics

The first picture is my original. These are just blue stones laid out on a table for decoration. The second is my altered picture and this is what I did to create it. I started off by changing the picture size from 16.7% to 25%. I than made a duplicate layer of the original, selected the clone stamp tool and changed its size setting from 21px to 412px to cover a bigger area. Next, I chose a starting point by pressing the alt button on my keyboard and the left mouse key. I then left clicked diagonally from the top left to the bottom right. I tried this multiple times before finally liking my end result because it kept making a box where the original picture would have ended. Finally I realized what I was doing wrong and cam up with this. I really like this picture because the stones look all neat and organized versus scattered in the original and some of them are darker more transparent than others making it look kind of holographic. 

The first is my original and the second is my altered picture. I created this one, once again by changing the size from 16.7% to 25%. Then, I chose the gradient tool and the rainbow color option in the gradient editor. Next, I clicked on the diamond option, set its capacity at 50%, put my cursor in the left hand corner and dragged it to the bottom right corner to apply the color. Finally, I chose the brush tool, changed the size to 50px with an opacity of 75%, changed the foreground color to pink and painted the fencing on her kitchen set  to give the white a little more color. I really like how I used the rule of thirds in this photo as well. The color makes all the dull colors seem so much more fun!

Once again the first picture is my original followed by my altered picture from using Adobe Photoshop. In this picture I changed its size from 16.7% to 25% as well. I selected the text tool, changed the text style to Blackoak Std, regular, size 72pt and chose the color pink (matched her clothes). Then, I chose the text warp option, horizontal, bend 75%, vertical distortion +28% and left the horizontal distortion at 0%. Finally, I cropped the photograph to simply focus on my daughters huge smile. I really like how I bent and distorted the text because it became shaped like a smile. Made me think of Chris Jorday using objects to form his photos; however, instead I used text to form my word.